Hypnosis Training Online Canada
Allow the power of technology to bring your hypnosis training to you and still receive a hands on experience. Clients have been benefiting from hypnosis online and via phone for years. Now students can too! Distance is no longer a concern, it doesn’t matter if you are from Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Saskatoon or Vancouver! Students all over Alberta, Canada are discovering how their hypnosis training online is just as effective as in person training. With no travel expenses! In many cases the students are liking the online training better because they can see the changes happening in their classmates in real time all at once! All students that train are going through the same transformations as a client would experience in the clinic. The result is real, live learning and experiences just like in a classroom.
Interactive Classes
We make the classes even more interactive for you by having real clients attend the trainings so that you can practice your hypnotic and NLP skills in break out rooms with the client volunteers. Not only are you discovering how hypnosis can help people, you are learning techniques, practicing hypnosis, doing NLP, honing your skills and achieving client results right from the beginning.
Call for your Free Interview to see if hypnosis training is for you

Online Training Opportunities
- June 25-28, 2021
- Sept 10-13, 2021
- Nov 26-29, 2021
*Rolling admission. Dates are subject to change.
Additional benefits…real clients to practice on! Yes, even online you work with real people!
Andrea is discovering a new career after decades in the healthcare field. What will your story be??

Andrea Heilman
Combined Laboratory and Xray Technician, Hanna, Alberta.
"I started training to become a Hypnotist in October of 2020. Instead of letting the pandemic slow me down I used the isolation time to concentrate on a new challenge that would benefit me as well as train me to help others learn this magical new skill. I set a goal to be certified and met that goal in just over 6 months. I look forward to eventually leaving my old career behind for this fulfilling, challenging, fun role as a Hypnotist. The sky is the limit!
The learning will never end; and I look forward to it! My training through the Canadian Hypnosis Academy was fun, flexible, and comprehensive and I receive the support I need through my mentor. I would recommend everyone to use Canadian Hypnosis Academy for their hypnosis needs!"
Michelle is enhancing her current profession with hypnosis skills…Could your career benefit from hypnotic tools?

Michelle Renschler
Registered Massage Therapist
Michelle’s Training journey so far…
Before training I was needing confidence for guiding a client through hypnosis. Now after training I can actually envision what my business will look like, how I can help people achieve their goals and hear them saying how far they have come. This seminar has given me a big boost of confidence. One of my favourite moments in training was watching all the students gain the strength and confidence they were hoping to achieve.
This seminar was well thought out and constructed. There were many clients that gave us the practice we needed. It ran so smooth the whole time. I left feeling a lighter mood and confidence to finish my training by my goal date, which is late spring.
The hypnosis training I received was great because they helped me to boost my self-confidence, especially overcoming my “worry”

Pierina Valvo
Book Keeper, Certified Healthcare Aide, Lethbridge, Alberta
Prior to training I was concerned with being apart of an online class and not being able to attend in person (I find it easier to connect). I was also concerned with investing my money in the wrong business and ending up not finishing the course.
With hypnosis training I will see more success in my career. I will hear the compliments of others that have been helped. I will feel satisfied and confident in doing what I have chosen to do, namely being a hypnotist. This will provide me with another income source. It benefits my quality of life of being able to travel more and to enjoy life in general. To build my own business. I can finally contribute to the mission I see for myself in helping others.
The hypnosis training I received was great because they helped me to boost my self-confidence, especially overcoming my “worry” about my language or pronunciation barrier when it comes to reading and pronouncing the scripts.
Trisha did an awesome job. She knows what she is doing. Whom to push, so they can give more of their potential. She was the confidence booster for our class. I am glad I was apart of it. Also she taught us to be more relaxed and having fun with becoming a hypnotist.
Rima’s success with hypnosis is leading her into a new career path and taking hypnosis training is helping her with that dream. Hypnosis techniques will be a great addition to her business in Calgary, Alberta.

Rima Chowdhury
Business Owner
"This was an experience of a lifetime. I was going through the toughest, most stressful moment of my life with my mother passing away, the ending of my relationship, financial stresses, and the loss of my job, all during a global pandemic. Trisha was able to help with my grief, suffering, and stress in just 7 weeks! But what gained from this program was so much more and I could have asked for. She was able to help me see how I was getting in my own way. Now I am looking forward to my future more than ever and am lunching my own business in just a few weeks. This has been a transformative experience and I highly recommend it!
Call for your Free Consultation to see if hypnosis training is for you
What client’s say about being volunteers for training…
“The key benefit for me as a busy working mom who never has time for herself was that I could go into my room and reap the benefits of calm and relaxation and emotional growth without hiring a babysitter or having to change into real clothes.
It showed me that self-care can still be done during Covid time.” ~Melissa Boschman, Red Deer, AB
“Volunteering to be a hypno patient gave me a opportunity to reconnect with hypnosis, honestly I had become complacent with my thoughts and efforts. The time I spent refocused my mind and attitude, left me calm relaxed and recommitted to my desired outcomes.” ~Lyanne Almberg, Czar, AB
“Volunteering was awesome for me! Got to learn a few new things that I had never heard of before, that I think will benefit me in the long term. Was a relaxing experience right from home, and I would recommend trying it!” ~ Lauren Johnson, Red Deer, AB
“Volunteering for Hypnosis training is such a great boost to my confidence and it reinforces all that has been taught to me. It was my great pleasure in helping with the teaching.” ~Deanna Tomlinson, Brooks, AB
“I immediately felt healthier, slimmer & more energized. Happier, increased self-confidence & will power. Days later still experiencing the benefits- ie easily drinking more water every day and grocery store weakness is good riddance.
Most importantly, in between the 2 day sessions, I experienced a major breakthrough. Awareness that part of my weight gain/plateau was from my brothers passing 6 years ago. Now I am (processing?) both and very thankful I volunteered with hypnosis training.” ~Rhonda Fuller, Castor, AB
“I was pleased to be a volunteer to assist the students learning and practicing the skill of self hypnosis. It was surprising to me to learn, after my first session, how little practice some of the students had. They were so skilled and professional. Even as a volunteer I benefitted by learning a couple of new skills to assist my own journey.” ~Laurie Armstrong, Hanna, AB
Continuing Hypnosis, NLP Training and Advanced Hypnosis Online
Continuing education and ongoing training and mentorship helps keep new hypnotists and experienced hypnotists accountable. As well as expanding their knowledge base and skill level. If you are already a hypnotist, self hypnosis training, or NLP practitioner you can use these trainings each year to become more effective in the art of hypnosis. Result … your clients get better outcomes each time you train!
“Hypnosis training makes me a better human. Each time I attend training, I step outside of my comfort zone a little more and my world continues to expand, in all aspects of my life. Planning for every outcome is no longer my biggest fear, I realize I have huge resources, in real people, to tap into when I need them and just need to ask if I have questions. Each day of training brings out the best in me, building more confidence, creating faster levelling, relaxing my use of scripts and ability to create positive suggestions. And it’s fun!!!!” ~Daralee Dobovich, Airdrie, AB
Hypnosis Quiz
Take this quiz to increase your knowledge about hypnosis, and we’ll send you the answer!