The Inside Story

No One Begins As A Hypnotist
You probably have life experience that would make you a good hypnotist. You might have worked in sales, in health care, childcare, as an accountant, or even raising children…regardless of what you used to do, those jobs gave you knowledge and experiences that create a useful foundation as a hypnotist. Hypnosis is the type of career that requires some previous life experience, the more you have the better!
My story with hypnosis begins with desperation. I was desperate to find a solution to having a baby without enduring medical procedures, interventions and unnecessary surgeries. I was on baby number three. I felt broken. I was mad at my body for letting me down. I was exhausted chasing two toddlers around and extremely anxious because according to my medical history I would have to endure another C-section for the birth of our third child.
Now you might say that I am a little stubborn…but I refused to believe that my body was unable to have a baby naturally. I was determined to show them that I could. I found myself an amazing midwife and searched for a solution to help me deal with my emotions and create the birth we wanted. I found a program called Hypnobabies. This complete prenatal education program and hypnosis for childbirth was unlike any of the other hypnotic childbirth programs I had used before. It was amazing! And I scored amazing results harnessing the power of my mind! And I did achieve a natural childbirth. Completely free from medical intervention and all on my own!
Hypnosis restored my faith in myself. Restored my self-confidence. (And coincidently helped me quit smoking at the same time). I was elated that I succeeded with my birthing wishes.
Going back to work after my maternity leave, to the medical field as a Laboratory and X-ray Technician, was challenging. The work wasn’t the problem. It was that I couldn’t really help those that came to the hospital. I had learnt with my hypnosis course for childbirth, to think differently, and I couldn’t go back to the way that I thought before.
I began to branch out my skills thinking it would sate my desire to help. I became a First Aid and CPR Instructor with Red Cross and an Instructor with Heart & Stroke. I discovered that I loved teaching and that it was fun!
But, I still wasn’t sated. I began taking hypnosis training and became the first Albertan Instructor for Hypnobabies. I then finished my Registered Hypnotist. In 2011, I left the medical field after 13 years and opened my first clinic, Hypnosis for Health and Happiness, in my local town of Castor. Everyone thought I was crazy giving up my career…for HYPNOSIS!?! Since then I have also had locations in Edmonton, Camrose and Red Deer.
Introducing the Master Hypnotist Society
In 2013, by divine intervention, I ended up at a Master Hypnotist Society, Hypnosis Boot Camp. I knew no one and to this day I really don’t know how I ended up there. But, it was meant to be and I have been with the Master Hypnotist Society and under Scott McFall’s mentorship ever since. 2015 is when The Canadian Hypnosis Academy, a division of the Master Hypnotist Society Canada was created.

You & The Canadian Hypnosis Academy
At The Canadian Hypnosis Academy we are passionate about you discovering the full benefits that hypnosis and hypnosis training can provide. We are excited to offer you this journey through experiential learning, observation and personal feedback. You learn hypnosis for real, with real people. Hands on training offering you a unique learning opportunity where you can experience personal change and develop new skills.
If you are bored with traditional classroom and book learning…If you are open to receive constructive feedback on your skills…If you are willing to change and discover your potential…If you are looking for a different perspective…Then this training might be right for you!
Trisha Fuller
Director, Trainer, Instructor
The Canadian Hypnosis Academy
Hypnosis for Health and Happiness
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